1.Others on the net seem to have had this major problem with syncs.
2.In contrast, more than half said it was a major problem that 42 percent of those starting at the bottom will remain there.
3.Although this did allow you to use Typed Dataset in N-Tier scenario, it had one major problem.
4.Shopping becomes a major problem, and for anything slightly out of the ordinary you have to go on an expedition to the nearest large town.
5.At this point you might be thinking that there is a major problem with both long polling and streaming.
6.Although glasses spread quickly throughout Europe and Asia, there was one major problem: keeping them on the wearer's face.
7.Defaults haven't been a major problem, but the market values of these CDOs fell sharply over the past year or so.
8.Our hope is that this article will clarify for you some of the major problem determination tools that are available today.
9."water" has been a major problem plaguing Nancheng development, but the issue is now quietly undergoing fundamental change.
10.Despite all the medical advances which have been developed to enable babies to be born safely, early delivery is still a major problem.